Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
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Here are our main news stories.
If you have children at our school, you should also read the latest School Updates
On the last day of the Autumn Term the children took part in Severn Hospice’s...
At the start of this term, we have reflected on ‘Living life in all its...
This week Councillor Healy visited school to see how a recent pot of Councillor Pride...
The children enjoyed a day of reading and fun book inspired activities on Thursday and...
Thank you to everyone who donated money for Children in Need today – for wearing...
In Year 3 this week, we have been investigating some super science involving vertebrates, invertebrates...
Oh wow! Year 1 have been working on their mixed media during Art. Here, they...
Take a look at our fabulous Year 2 Working Wall! Year 2 have read lots...
Reception have been focusing on the sizes and shapes of our bears in class. We...
Throughout school, each class has a ‘Book of Books’ – a way of reviewing books...
Year 6 have been learning to apply their knowledge of formal written methods in division...
Year 5 have been focusing on their perspective sketching this week, drawing inspiration from a...
Year 4 have been using classification keys to sort Haribo sweets. We had to use...
Our Year 1 and Reception Parents were invited to a Phonics Meeting this week to...
Year 2 maths lessons. Today we used tens and ones to make two-digit numbers. They...
This week in Year 1 we have started our new text for the half term....
During our Class Collective Worship this week, we have been thinking about a whole school...
Year 4 have been looking at the story of King Midas and his gift to...
Our Reception class have been getting stuck into their learning this afternoon with activities using...
Urgh! Our Year 2’s have been getting their hands dirty with some wiggly worms! It...
As part of Year 2’s RE topic, we have been focusing on signs within religion....
Reception have been talking about their families this week and have made some amazing hands...
To start our Year 5 term, we have been looking at Growth Mindset and all...
Wow! Wow! Wow! Look how amazing our Year 6 artists are! By using pastels and...
With the weather as hot as it is in September, it’s only suitable for Year...
Celebrating the King’s Coronation...
Celebrating World Book Day 2023 ...
Enjoying the snow at playtime ...
Our experience during Young Voices was amazing! We not only sang with Heather Small, but...
Our website has had a makeover! We’re looking forward to sharing more with you here....