
The school doors open at 8.45 a.m. so that children will be ready and in their classrooms by 8.50 a.m. for registration. During the first term, parents of children in the Reception Class can bring their children into the classroom in the morning and collect them from the door at the back of the classroom at 3.20 p.m.

Please make sure that your child gets to school on time. Lateness and rushing often upsets children and may give them the impression that punctuality does not matter.

Attendance registers are legal documents and teachers have to fill in instances of lateness and reasons for all absences. If your child is absent from school it is therefore important that you ring the school to inform us of the reason.

We strongly discourage parents taking children out of school during term time for holidays. The pace of the national curriculum is rigorous and it is often difficult for children to catch up with work that they have missed. Holiday will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances and permission will need to be obtained from the Headteacher. Do try to avoid taking children from school during May as this is an important time for assessments.

All – Attendance Update – 16 July 2024