Special Experiences to Remember
Throughout the year where possible, we like to arrange outings, visits and educational experiences for the children.
During the children’s time at Coalbrookdale School they are likely to make a number of external visits to such places as Zoos, hands on scientific exhibitions, places of historical interest and outward bound centres (The Pioneer Centre and Arthog). In addition to this we also arrange for external educators to come to school and bring experiences into the classroom which really helps the learning come to life.
We have high expectations of our pupils, challenging them to achieve their full potential, but believe that education is about more than just academic success.
Part of becoming a full rounded person is having the opportunity for self expression. In order to help achieve this we place a strong emphasis on sport, art, drama and music.
We have a strong sporting tradition and offer a full range of physical activities. Our teams compete at a local and regional level, often enjoying considerable success.
The school has two large playgrounds which are equipped for tennis, netball and basketball, and use of the extensive regatta field at Dale End park. Older children also have swimming lessons in the summer term.
Staff and outside organisations run popular clubs after school. These vary on a seasonal basis and can include football, tag-rugby, cross country, tennis, rounders and gymnastics.
We have a school choir and use music in many areas of education.
As children learn in many different ways, classes make day trips throughout the year. These include places as varied as the local mosque, pond dipping, museums and art galleries. Older pupils have the opportunity to take extended visits and residential stays.