Uniform & Clothing
School Uniform
Our school colours are royal blue, black and grey. We request children wear a royal blue jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan and grey or black skirts/pinafores or trousers/shorts. In warmer months, blue gingham dresses/black or grey smart shorts can be worn.
Book Bag with school log
PE Kit
White or navy T-shirt, shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings in black or navy-blue and trainers/pumps. In the colder months a jumper or fleece in navy blue or white can be worn.
PE Kit Bag with school logo
Forest School Clothing
Children in Reception will take part in outdoor learning. Their learning will take place outside in the school grounds, whatever the weather.
Children will need to have a waterproof coat, waterproof trousers or an all-in-one waterproof rainsuit and wellington boots. Waterproofs can be bought very cheaply in Home Bargains, Charlie’s Store, Shrewsbury or online at Amazon, eBay or Muddy Puddles.
In the cold weather, children need to wear thick jumpers and coats underneath their waterproofs, as well as bring hats and gloves.
In the warmer weather, children still need to wear trousers to protect their legs when sitting on logs or exploring the forest floor on their hands and knees!
Please ensure your child’s name is in all items.
No jewellery to be worn during P.E. lessons. Studs are normally covered with micropore tape during PE/Games lessons.
Buying Uniform
You can find out more about buying uniform on the uniform shop page of our Parents’ Area:
Uniform Shop
Friends of Coalbrookdale also hold second-hand uniform sales. Look out for details in the school newsletter.